Våre Android Panel PCer kommer med appen Automation Browser fra SpiderContol installert. Dette programmet kan settes opp som default home screen, og det vil da startes opp automatisk hver gang panelet startes og kjøre i kiosk mode.
After installation, when you press the Android Home button, you will be asked to choose for the default launcher(*). Press the Home button again to see the ALWAYS option.
Once you have chosen the Automation Browser (ALWAYS), it will automatically be launched on the next start and you will not see the default Android Home screen anymore!
To give you the choice again, you will have to clear the "Open defaults" setting in the Automation Browser app.
For å lukke Automation Browser og kunne gjøre endringer i settings, må man "låse opp" Automation Browser. Dette gjøres ved å klikke fem eller flere ganger på linken "www.spidercontrol.net". En melding "unlocked" vil vises, og man har igjen tilgang til menyer, settings etc.
Open the Android Settings (app menu in the top right corner) and depending on the Android version you will have to go
- Apps > Automation Browser > Open by default > CLEAR DEFAULTS
- Storage & USB > Apps > Automation Browser > (i) icon > Open by default > CLEAR DEFAULTS
Then, press on the Android Home button again.
(*) If you don't see the popup to select the default launcher, it is probably because another launcher is already selected as default. In that case you will have to clear the "Open defaults" settings in the current launcher app. The name of the app is often something like "Launcher" or "Google Now Launcher", ...
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